Give As You Live - the perfect way to sum up this amazing way of donating to your favourite charity. I could not come up with a better way of summing this website up. I absolutely love it. It means that when ever I buy anything through it at Amazon, EBay, John Lewis a percentage of that transaction value goes to the charity that I nominated when I signed up to Give As You Live. The key thing to remember is to go to and click on their links for Amazon, Ebay, M&S etc. so that the percentage of what you buy goes to your charity. That is the only thing you need to remember.
It has already raised over £8.5m for charities in the UK. The best thing about it is it is free to join, and when you sign up through a link from a friend you're also raising an additional £5 for their nominated charity. So if you like the idea of raising money, as you shop for charity then please sign up by clicking on this link - and you will also be raising a one off £5 for my nominated charity.
If you know of a charity that would benefit from this fantastic scheme. Then please get in touch with your favourite charity and get them to sign up with this link:
there maybe paid for affiliate links contained within blog postings.
all views are my own.Â