Bookclubs. The word, Bookclub, conjures up imagery of aloof people, high-brow reading, and long rambling discussions about what has been read. Bookclubs could be like that; thankfully the one that I am member of is nothing of the sort. It is fun.
The aspects I most enjoy about Bookclub is that it is a way of reading things that you wouldn't have chosen to read (well, unless you've picked the book for the month) and a great way to chat about something that isn't about work or the weather.
This bookclub started life as four friends meeting up every couple of months at each others houses, with alcohol and pizza. We decided to try and get new members it might be better to meet at a Pub. So we decided upon the New Inn in Clitheroe, Lancashire. A proper drinkers pub with cozy rooms. Then Coronavirus hit, and to be pragmatic, we've gone virtual too so all can join.
The next book has been picked, and we're away. We are aiming to have the next meeting on the 5th June which is most likely going to be a discussion online, at the group's facebook page, and we have a live discussion on Zoom.
If you fancy joining us, please do.
The next book is the Handmade's Tale, by Margaret Atwood.
Here is the Zoom Meeting Link ->
Topic: Sophia Williams's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 5, 2020 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 772 0380 5999
Password: 8AyZ4a
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